10 Ways How to Save Money on Power BI Training

power bi training

Fortunately, there are many ways for you to get Power BI training without spending a lot of money. The best way to save money on Power BI training is to learn on your own time. When you have free time, you can watch free videos and read free e-books on the topic. You can also follow blogs related to Power BI and ask someone who already knows how to work with it for help.

Learn on your own time

  • Learn on your own time
  • Don’t have to spend money on training
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Use your own resources (like a book)

Get a free trial of Power BI Pro

There are a couple of ways to get started with Power BI. You can sign up for a free trial of Power BI Pro, or you can sign up for the free version, which is called Power BI Premium. You should know that there is also an enterprise version of Power BI that includes more functionality and support than the other two versions. If you’re interested in learning more about this product or want to find out how it differs from the other products mentioned above, please visit https://www.microsoftpowerbi.com/en-us/pricing?_ga=2.164597591.1042250184.-1580866656

Use Microsoft’s free resources

Microsoft has a lot of free resources available.

First and foremost, Microsoft has a great website that includes tons of free training and resources for Power BI users. You can also find links to the latest blog posts and ebooks about Power BI on this site.

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Other than that, if you’re looking for more detailed resources related to data modeling or dashboarding techniques, check out the Envisioneer Community website where you can access over 100 white papers written by experts in the field of data visualization (not all are relevant for Power BI).

Follow Power BI Blogs

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when learning new skills. That’s why blogging is such a great way to keep up with the latest trends and developments in your field of work. A good blog will provide you with a steady stream of new ideas and information that can help you improve your skills or provide inspiration for future projects. You’ll also learn about other people’s experiences, which may even lead you to discover something completely new!

One of the best places to start looking for blogs is on Power BI’s website: https://powerbi.com/blog/. This site has dozens of articles covering all aspects of Power BI training including dashboards, reports and data visualizations. There are also numerous blogs written by customers sharing their stories about using this software product spectrum (https://powerbi-users-guild.github.io/) which can be very helpful if you’re trying decide whether or not it’s worth investing in this kind of technology solution right now.”

Try to find free video tutorials

A good way to save money on your Power BI training is by finding free video tutorials. Power BI has a lot of free video tutorials that you can watch on YouTube. You can also find them on Microsoft’s website, or even Udemy or Lynda.com, among other places!

Ask someone who already knows

One of the best ways to save money on Power BI training is by finding someone who already knows what they are doing. This could be a friend, family member or colleague who has been using Power BI for some time and can help walk you through the basics and show you how to get started.

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If this isn’t possible then there are plenty of online forums where people share their knowledge with each other. One such forum is [PowerBI Community](https://powerbi.community/groups/office-365-and-power-bi/).

Get a book on PowerBI (you can also borrow it from a library)

You can get a book on Power BI from a bookstore or library. You can also find a book on Power BI online. You can also find a book on Power BI on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Buy or download free e-books on Power BI topics

The first step to saving money on Power BI training is to buy or download free e-books on Power BI topics. Here are some sources:

  • Amazon Kindle Store, which has a lot of books on the web and mobile apps, including “A Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Power BI Desktop” by Michael Ruhl (the book costs $9.99) and “Microsoft Power BI Desktop Step by Step” by John McLean (the book costs $19.99).
  • Google Play Books and other platforms that support e-book purchases directly through your phone or computer (for example, Apple’s iBooks app).

If you have access to Udemy, find the course you like there and use one of the many available coupons for discounts.

Udemy is a popular online learning platform where you can find Power BI courses. If you are looking for a course on Power BI, Udemy is definitely the place to go.

If you have access to a coupon code, use it! Coupons give you access to some great discounts on the price of your class. There are many different types of coupons available depending on which course you want to take and how much time you have available at the moment.

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A free trial is also an option worth considering if money is tight right now but you still want access to high quality materials that will help improve your skill set in Microsoft’s latest business intelligence toolset. If there’s no discount code available, then maybe consider signing up with Udemy using one of their paid plans instead (although keep in mind that this will cost money).

Sign up for newsletters and check if there are any deals. (MAX 50 WORDS)

  • Sign up for newsletters. This will help you get in touch with the company and stay updated on their latest offers.
  • Check if there are any deals. If there are, take advantage of them. Ask your team members if they have a discount code or another way to save money on training courses.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount or negotiate the price of your course by saying no to certain features that aren’t important to you, such as live demos or additional training materials like books and manuals.

You can get started with Power BI without spending a lot.

The first thing you should know is that you don’t need to spend a lot to get started with Power BI. The fact that it’s offered as a cloud-based service means you can learn on your own time, and there are some great resources available for free! You can sign up for a free trial of Power BI Pro here. Also, check out the Power BI Blogs page on Microsoft; they have lots of great articles about how to use this platform.


We hope this article helped you learn how to save money on Power BI training. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. We also invite you to share your own tips and tricks on how to save money when learning Power BI. You can also check out these other resources