Important Subjects For Class 9 Exam

class 9 maths

Class 9 has many important subjects that students need to learn and prepare from their examination point of view. As of 2021-2022, the CBSE board has reduced a few chapters from the syllabus of class 9 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Students need to know and understand the syllabus for CBSE Class 9 of all the subjects. The exam papers provided by CBSE include questions from the new and updated syllabus for class 9. Given below is a list of important subjects for class 9 exams. 

CBSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

Students need to be familiarized with the CBSE class 9 maths syllabus to do well in their exams. The syllabus for class 9 maths is the same as the previous year’s syllabus. There has been no added portion nor have the existing portions been removed from the syllabus. For students to perform well in their annual exams and other tests they must analyze the class 9 maths syllabus thoroughly. Let us look at the units that are available in the syllabus. There are a total of 6 units present in the syllabus namely Number Systems, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Geometry, Mensuration, and finally Statistics & Probability. The fourth unit in the syllabus which is Geometry has the highest marks weighing around 28 marks. After this, Algebra weighs around 17 marks, Mensuration weighs around 13 marks, Statistics & Probability weighs 10 marks, Number Systems weigh 8 marks, and Coordinate Geometry weighs 4 marks.


CBSE Class 9 Science Syllabus

Class 9 science is an important subject that all students need to learn and understand. The topics that are covered in this syllabus will help students create a strong basic foundation. Class 9 science is further divided into Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. There are a total of 5 units available in the class 9 science syllabus. These units include Matter — Its Nature and Behaviour, Organisation in the Living World, Motion, Force & Work, Our Environment, and finally Food: Food production. There are many important topics and concepts that students need to learn and understand from this subject. Let us understand the marks distribution for CBSE Class 9 Science. The third unit which is titled Motion, Force, and Work weighs the highest with 27 marks. Matter – Its Nature and Behaviour weigh 23 marks, Organisation in the Living World weighs 20 marks, while Our Environment and Food Production weighs 6 marks and 4 marks respectively. Although the entire subject has a total of 100 marks, the remaining marks are taken from internal assignments done through practical tests.

CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus

English as a subject helps students to enhance their cultural development. In this subject, students will learn about various prose, poetry, and friction. English is an important subject as it is used as a mode of communication all across the globe. However, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) decided to reduce around 30% of class 9 English syllabus. CBSE class 9 English syllabus is divided into written examinations and ASL (Assessment of Speech and Listening Skills). Around 80 marks are dedicated to the written exams, while the rest 20 marks are allocated to the ASL which is an oral exam conducted by respective teachers. The English Language and Literature Written examinations are divided into three sections. Section A includes Reading Skills which weighs around 20 marks, Section B includes Writing Skills and Grammar which weighs around 30 marks, and finally, we have Section C which includes Literature Textbook and Supplementary Reading text which weighs around 30 marks.

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CBSE Class 9 Hindi Syllabus

Hindi is an important subject for class 9 students as it is very scoring and students will be able to score well in this subject. CBSE Class 9 Hindi syllabus is divided into two parts namely Hindi Course A and Hindi Course B. The syllabus for both the parts are the same, however, the marks weightage unit wise differs for both the parts. The CBSE board has reduced the syllabus of this subject by 30%. Therefore, students need to prepare for their exams according to the new and revised syllabus. In Hindi Course A and Course B, three chapters are included in the syllabus. These chapters include Kavya Khand: Daakhiyan VA Sabad – Kabir and Gram Shree – Sumitranandan Pant, Gadya Khand: Upbhokta ki Sanskriti – Shyamcharan Dube and Ek Kutta Aur Ek Maina – Hazariprasad Dwiwedi, and finally Kritika Bhaag – Iss Jal Pralay Me – Fanishwarnath ‘Renu’ and Kis Tarah Aakirkar Main Hindi Me Aaya – Shamsher Bahadur Singh.

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CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus

CBSE Class 9 Social Science is an important subject as it will help students to prepare for class 10 social science. The syllabus of this subject has no addition of chapters or removal of existing chapters. Students need to understand and learn this subject thoroughly as it will help them to be more efficient and organized while studying for exams. Social science as a subject talks about the environment from a broader perspective. It will help students to be more responsible citizens of the nation. There are a total of four units that are covered in the CBSE class 9 social science syllabus. These units include India and the Contemporary World, Contemporary India, Democratic Politics, and Economics. There are many important topics and concepts covered in these units that students must learn and understand to do well in their exams.

These are the important subjects for the class 9 exam. However, there are other subjects such as the third language of students which they need to learn to do well in their exams. Apart from this, with the help of proper references and materials, students will be able to do well in their exams. There are many important topics and concepts from the examination point of view that students need to focus on when it comes to these important subjects. With the right guide and path, students will be able to excel in their classes. 

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