Importance of NCERT Books Class 12 PDF

ncert books class 12

Clearing the board examination with flying colors is like a milestone achieved in any student’s life. Board exams can be considered as their stepping stone towards a brighter future ahead, that’s why it holds so much importance both for the student and their parents and teachers as well. Institutions try hard to conduct various examinations throughout the session to make the children aware of the pattern and help them with the final show with demos and mock tests. Apart from the preparation and all the stone-turning things a person tries to succeed in, a major difference can be created with the right books relating to a particular course. 

When we talk about CBSE, NCERT books are always the most preferred ones gaining the talk of the town in the season of exams. Books that are curated by the NCERT not only cover the entire syllabus in great detail but also try to sieve out the irrelevant matter and bring about a filtered image of all that is important and should be incomplete knowledge of a student. Many other similar factors make NCERT books the most important for students appearing for the CBSE board examination. Given below are a few reasons why NCERT Books Class 12 PDF is important for all students writing their board exams.

1. The most precise syllabus 

Before attempting to study for the exams, students must have a thorough understanding of the syllabus. NCERT books undoubtedly have the most refined course and are also called the Bible for students for all valid reasons. Chapters and information that are included in these booms are the most updated labyrinth, the latest trends adhering to all the changes. Such information helps the students gain the overall perspective of their subject matter leading the way. NCERT books are also referred to when it comes to the most elite examinations in India like the UPSC, SSC, and many more that fall in the same category, giving them a strong backing up. Hence, with the help of NCERT books, students will be able to understand the syllabus thoroughly and score well in their board exams.

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2Ease in understanding 

The major plus point that comes with the NCERT books is their easy and lucid tone of expression. NCERT composes its books in a way that each of the students across will be able to understand them and memorize them easily. The information available in these books are written after a thorough research on all the subjects in the syllabus in a very detailed manner. These contents are written by subject experts in a simple and easy going language. This ensures that the information and content available to students from the NCERT books are authentic. This, in turn, ensures that students can understand all the important topics, concepts, and chapters in the syllabus easily. The concepts can be understood by students irrespective of their intelligence quotient. Apart from all of this, NCERT books for class 12 have many real life examples, illustrative, and flowcharts to help students understand the topics and concepts better. 

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3Answer key to the CBSE board exam 

CBSE board exams are crucial and it is important that all CBSE students perform well in them. When comparing or studying the previous year’s papers of the CBSE, it is always observed that NCERT books cover the entire paper and nothing other than the course included in the books is ever asked in them. Apart from this, NCERT books have all the questions and answers that will help students prepare for the CBSE board exams better. Hence, a thorough study with the help of NCERT books can guarantee a brilliant result in the CBSE board examination. 

4. Practise will make you perfect

You may have heard the phrase that a man becomes perfect only with a rigorous amount of practice. In order to learn and understand the concepts and topics of the syllabus, students need to practice on a daily basis. NCERT books pay much attention to the practice of the students hence they are loaded with many questions, practice problems, diagram-based questions, and others to equip the students with an easy hand in writing and free flow of information in the examination hall. Practicing these questions banks will help students to ace their board exams.

5. Starts from the grassroots

The information available in NCERT books has been provided in such a way that it mainly focuses on providing basic fundamental concepts to students. As compared to other reference materials, the feature of providing fundamental concepts to students is absent. Students need to strengthen their basics before sitting to write the CBSE board exams. NCERT books provide its students a complete picture of every topic that it is explaining with practical application and well-defined diagrams, covering the subject matter in all its essence. This ensures that students brush up on their basics and strengthen their fundamental foundation. Hence, NCERT books do not only cover all the topics available in the syllabus, but it also helps students to understand the basic and fundamental concepts of the syllabus.

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6. Helps In Revision

Students need to revise every day regardless of the number of times they have studied the topic. With the help of the NCERT books, students will be able to revise daily. Students can write down all the important terms available in the NCERT book and solve practice papers to revise the same. Revising topics and concepts will help students to get better. It will ensure that they score well in their exams and come out with flying colors. 

There is no harm in using other reference materials, however, NCERT books are known to be ideal for you. All these reasons heavily support NCERT books for CBSE examinations. Consider these books as your friend and companion throughout and conquer this examination milestone with confidence and thorough preparation. Sticking to NCERT books and practicing questions and answers from there will ensure that you do extraordinary in your board exams.

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